BİYOGAZ ve BİYOKÜTLE santralleri günümüzün önemli yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları olup hayvan ve çevresel atıkların doğada bırakılması yerine depolanarak kullanılması ve bu atıkların yenilenebilir enerji ye dönüştürülerek tekrar doğaya kazandırılması sebebi ile diğer Yenilenebilir Kaynaklara oranla doğaya ve insan hayatına daha çok katkı sağladığı bir gerçektir.
Özçelik Elektromekanik Hollandalı HoST BV firmasının Türkiye de çözüm ortağı olup Avrupa, Türkiye ve komşu ülkelerde BİYOGAZ ve BİYOKÜTLE projelerinin yapımını HoST BV firması ile beraber üstlenmektedir.
HoST BV, Hollandanın en büyük ve aynı zamanda Avrupanın en önde gelen Biyoenerji sistemleri üreticisi olup, tarım ve sanayi projeleri için Anaerobic Biyogaz tesisleri ekipmanlarının ve sistemlerinin teminini ve aynı zamanda anahtar teslim kurulumunu yapmaktadır.
Host BV Biyokütle konusunda kendi Ar-Ge departmanının yaptığı çalışmalar sayesinde Avrupanın önde gelen Biyoktütle sistem üreticisi ve tedarikçisi şirketlerden biri olup, orman atığı-yakmak kazanları ve akışkan yataklı kendi lisanslı dizaynları ile Enerji Santral çözümleri sunmaktadır.
Microferm: compact system of 65 – 150 kWe in two designs with a combined heat and power (CHP) unit for the production of power and heat, or a biogas upgrading system where the biogas is refined to natural gas quality. The system processes fresh slurry and is suitable for slurry volumes of between 3,500 m3 and 7,000 m3 per year.
Farm-type digesters from 250 kWe to 2500 kWe
These anaerobic digesters are designed with a flexible supply system suitable for a wide range of solid biomass flows. The concrete digester tanks, fitted with special mixers enable extremely dense biomass flows to be mixed. With its sophisticated design, which almost doubles the capacity in comparison to the traditional concept, the large volumes of gas production per digester enable quick returns on initial investment.
From sludge digestion to category 3 waste material In industrial anaerobic digesters organic waste flows are processed without the addition of slurry. For example, HoSt has constructed numerous systems for the digestion of slaughterhouse waste. To this end, for the processing of category 2 material, various thermal pressure hydrolysis (THP) systems have been supplied, as a result of which the conversion of biomass is improved significantly. HoSt also supplied systems for processing unpacked food products, industrial food product and for the processing and maximum energy recovery of industrial and municipal primary and secondary sludge.
High-yield biowaste-fired CHP plants
HoSt supplies biowaste-fired combined heat and power (CHP) plants up to 12 MWe. These relatively small plants are high-yield as a result of combining a self-cleaning high-pressure boiler and a high-efficiency steam turbine. The HoSt combustion technology is highly flexible in applicable fuels: such as moisture contents ranging from 10% to 55% and fuels with low ash melting points like straw, chaff , manure, olive pulp, chicken manure and RDF (Refused Derived Fuel).
Biowaste-fired grate boilers of 2 MWt to 50 MWt
For low emissions and additional flexibility when it comes to wood quality, the robust furnace is designed with a hydraulic input, a stepped grate and stepped incineration. Flue gases are re-circulated under the grate and in the furnace so that manageable incineration and minimum emissions result.
Host Services
In order to optimise management and control of the digestion process, HoSt provides a process analysis:
- no process failure as a result of acidification, salification, etc.;
- increase in gas production;
- reduction in feeding costs;
- defining of fertilisation value of the digestate.
Enzymes for digesters are produced with the aid of fungi. With the aid of enzymes the mixing process and the mass transfer are improved, the breakdown of particles is enhanced and the formation of foam can be avoided.
HoSt has its own laboratory with four small-scale digesters. By simulating actual digesters the digestion process can be optimised and biogas yields can likewise be defined for each specific product per customer.
Because of the sophisticated operating controls on the systems, HoSt is able to monitor and optimise processes remotely. In combination with our maintenance programmes, this ensures high-efficiency installations.